Previously on GZSZ…we had a fun day out at the PR NOW fake offices and we all wish Jasmin was a real secretary. Katrin’s PR firm now have their first big client, Mr Schmerp Scherf, who runs a chain of optician shops.
Ep 5539
FIRSTLY, CRANK THIS SHIT UP! Cos our episode opens with this song.
We open with Mesut, Nele, Anni and Jasmin all cleaning their apartment, thoroughly bored and unimpressed looking, and wearing normal clothes.
Then as soon as we hit the bridge of this song, it all changes to this… BAM!!!
The apartment goes MENTAL as they all dance their little butts off. But this just isn’t any normal dancing, this is crazy dancing…and WE LOVE IT! I love seeing them all have so much fun. And I want to go and live in this apartment right now. Any rooms free you guys….guys???
Mesut tells them his dancing is inhibited by the cast on his hand and they all tease him telling him, yeah cos his dancing is SOOO much better without it. As they are all busy giggling we suddenly hear an interview on the TV with Mr Schmerp Scherf, Katrin’s new client. Jasmin shushes them all and turns up the TV to listen in. Mr Schmerp Scherf tells the interviewer that he doesn’t want ideas such as homosexuality addressed in schools to the children. Jasmin can’t believe it. Anni too is disgusted and says to Jasmin;
“Ideas? Great “idea” of yours to fall in love with me!”
Jasmin’s reaction to Anni here is nothing sure of perfection. She takes a second to realise what Anni has said and then once it sinks in, she turns to Anni and says “Yes, I think so too!” as she lays 2 big wet ones on Anni and we all die of cuteness poisoning yet again.
Anni then puts on her best Hitler imitation and says “But we absolutely must not give the dear little ones any ideas!”. To which a horrified Jasmin grabs Anni and cutely shuts her up.
Mesut then says that he thought people were born gay. Anni tells him it doesn’t matter, you’re just gay, lesbian, bi or you’re not. The interviewer then asks Mr Schmerp Scherf what he thinks about the equalisation of gay marriage. He tells her that he thinks nothing of it. He claims that the basis for a family is procreation, and gay couples just can’t do that.
Nele calls him a moron and tells them what does it matter who you marry as long as you have love. WHOOOO YOU GO NELE!!! Mesut on the other hand, says that Mr Schmerp Scherf has a point in that gay couples can’t really procreate. They all tell him to SHUT UP! Anni asks him if he thinks about procreation when he has sex.
Mr Schmerp Scherf then says “Homosexual love is defective”, to which Jasmin finally has had enough and says she doesn’t have to listen to this bullshit any more and turns off the TV.
Cut to the MW where Katrin is coming in from the rain and bumps into Jasmin. Ohhh get ready Katrin, you about to be TOLD!
Jasmin asks Katrin if she saw the interview with Mr Schmerp Scherf and then explains to her how he’s on some parent council and how he’s now raising the alarm about gays and lesbians. What alarm, Katrin asks? Jasmin begins her rant, saying that he said homosexuality was unnatural, gay marriage should be outlawed and that homosexuality is perverted. Katrin tries defending Mr Schmerp Scherf, saying that sometimes things get taken out of context and blown out of proportion. Jasmin does NOT agree and neither do we!
Cut to Katrin’s office where she and Maren watch the rest of the interview with Mr Schmerp Scherf on their computer. He spouts off more hatred towards gay people and Maren asks what millennium this guy lives in? We’d all like to know that. Katrin tells her they need to find a way to limit the damage. And on cue, Mr Schmerp Scherf knocks and comes in, happily exclaiming, “Oh you’ve seen my interview?”. Yes, and we think you’re a douche, is what we wish Katrin had said to him here. Katrin tells him that he has done himself no favours with this interview. He says its a democratic country and he can say what he wants. Katrin wants him to keep such statements out of the public in future. He tells her that he believes a family should be a father, mother and children and that he shouldn’t have to apologise for thinking that. Katrin just wants him to stop spouting discriminating remarks as it hurts his business. They agree to no more interviews in future.
Cut to the outdoor street set, which I LOVE. I must mention that the show never ceases to amaze me with their amazing music selection. This next song starts to play. CRANK IT! 90s NOSTALGIA!!!
Jasmin is leaving the MW when she sees a bunch of people making noise and protesting on the street. She stops to check them out and we see someone with a sign covering their face…who could that BE??!!
Why it’s Anni of course!!! She proudly whistles away, holding up her protest sign and gives Jasmin a “ehhh aren’t I awesome” face. Which is SUPER CUTE by the way. Jasmin even more cutely laughs back at Anni and they walk over to each other.
How adorable is Anni’s swagger here? Jasmin remarks that the interview has caused quite a stir and Anni tells her there was a notice to protest Mr Schmerp Scherf on the internet. Jasmin thinks for a second and then grabs Anni’s whistle, saying that she’s IN!
Now this next little bit to me is VITALLY IMPORTANT. As Jasmin blows the whistle, signalling that she is willing to support Anni openly and stand up next to her, we see this look cross Anni’s face.
Anni half laughs and then breathes in, staring at Jasmin with her big brown eyes. Her look says it all. This is a major turning point, I think, in Anni finally letting her walls down and letting Jasmin in. She is both shocked, surprised and overwhelmed for a few seconds there that this relationship with Jasmin is ACTUALLY for real this time. She is in AWE of Jasmin in this moment. And I for one, LOVE IT!
Of course it doesn’t last long. Jasmin tells Anni, that she’s with a woman now after all and Anni jokes, Oh is that so?. Jasmin cutely replies, “Yes. Yes to gay marriage!”. Anni laughs and asks “Doesn’t mean I have to marry you right away, right?”. Jasmin tells her that she can be pretty persuasive. Oh God…yeah she can!!
You can come persuade me any time Jasmin. By the way, I have to make note here, that this kiss, is one of the best ones they’ve had by far. I know its very short, but the comfort of both Linda and Janina here is evident. They are both open and relaxed and look like they are having fun and truly enjoying one another. We would like more of these please, OK thank you.
Next we cut to the apartment, where Anni cutely asks Jasmin to set an alarm for the pizza she’s just put in the oven. Jasmin is on her laptop at the dining table and actually looks slightly annoyed at something. She tells Anni they don’t need to set an alarm as they can tell when it’s done by the smell. Anni says that it’s too late by then and walks over to Jasmin. Anni does what any other sane person would do with Jasmin sitting there all cute, being on the internet with her gorgeous neck…waiting to be kissed.
This makes up for ALLLLL those longing glances Anni made at Jasmin over the past year, wishing she could touch her or kiss her. And now she can. Not to mention Jasmin’s whole demeanour changes here. As soon as Anni kisses her neck she immediately looks instantly happy and more relaxed. Not to mention SUPER IN LOVE!!! Jasmin’s found something on the internet and asks Anni if she recognises the two people on screen.
I mean look at her! She’s glowing again!!! She looks so proud here too, as she looks for Anni’s reaction.
IT’S THEM!!!! When Anni realises, she pulls the CUTEST FRIGGIN FACE and in the CUTEST voice ever says; “Aww it’s our first couple photo! We have to put it up, right?In a gilt frame?”
HAHA! Oh Anni!! We know she’s only half joking here. I think she WOULD actually hang that picture up on their wall HAHA!
Jasmin, laughing, wants them to hang it above their mantle. Anni tells her that they better get a mantle then! HAH! Jasmin starts reading out the article. It mostly just talks about what they are protesting and that D-list celebrity Jasmin Flemming was spotting in the crowd and everyone now wants to know if Jasmin is a lesbian. Anni asks “Well, is she?” and they both crack up. Nice avoidance there Jasmin, but it’s cool we don’t care what you call yourself but we do know that you’re ANNISEXUAL!
Jasmin is excited that she’s in the press for the right reasons now and is glad the media are covering the protest.
Cut to Katrin’s office where Mr Schmerp Scherf slaps down the local paper with Jasmin and Anni kissing on the front cover. He’s angry and he wants an explanation. Katrin tells him that her daughter is an adult and she can’t tell her who to kiss. He gets his panties all up in a twist but Katrin reassures him that they are working on fixing his image. He tells her that she either call of her daughter, or it’s the end of them working together.
Cut back to the apartment where Ayla is kissing her new doctor love interest goodbye. As she pushes him out the door she turns around to this perfect room mate moment
They all tease her “Gooooodbyyyeeeee”. OK seriously, take my rental agreement now girls, I’m moving in right away!!! Jasmin runs over to Ayla and tells her “OMG he’s soooo hot!!”, to which Anni, of course, coughs. Jasmin immediately runs back to Anni saying “Yeah, well if you’re into doctors, of course” and gives her a kiss attack.
Seriously, you guys. We could NOT write better if we tried! We bow down to you writer Gods of GZSZ!!!
Anni asks Ayla if she’s in love. Ayla tells them that she’s only just come out of a marriage and just wants to have some fun. Jasmin now sadly has to go to work but not before grabbing Anni and kissing her and calling her a Lesbo. Anni retaliates with Bye Drama Queen.
Love how Jasmin goes in for not one but two kisses. Anni actually has to push her off the second time LOL! Makes me smile SO MUCH YOU GUYS! Jasmin then says goodbye in that same exaggerated high pitch manner as before and Anni blows her a kiss.
Nele then tells Ayla that she is not getting away so fast. Anni says that Nele wants details. Does he have chest hair or a six pack? She tells them they are nuts and walks off towards the bathroom. Anni asks “So what is it? Six pack or not?”, to which she replies YES!. Anni’s reaction here is priceless, as she screams with fake excitement, OMG HE HAS A SIX PACK!! and after a quick giggle with Nele, asks her if she wants a coffee.
I love when Anni jokes around like this. She’s so funny. And I love her friendship with Nele. They laugh and have so much fun together, it’s a pleasure to watch.
Cut to the cafe where Jasmin is busy opening the shop. Enter Katrin holding up the local paper and asking her if she’d seen it yet. She tells her yes. Katrin says “My daughter, as the figurehead for homosexual love. Schmerp Scherf was anything but thrilled”. Jasmin apologises for causing her any trouble but that it’s for a good cause. Her mother agrees but asks her if she has to take ANY opportunity to get in front of the cameras. Jasmin tells her she didn’t even know anyone was taking a picture of them. Yeah, that’s because you’re SOOO IN LOVE that when you kiss Anni the rest of the world melts away, isn’t that right Jasmin?
Side-note, how lucky was that background extra?? Here, take this camera and pretend to take a photo of those two hot ladies kissing over there…UM OK!! WHERE DO I SIGN UP??!!!
Jasmin then tells her mother that what Schmerp Scherf is spouting off is total bullshit. Katrin agrees but tells Jasmin that she could also just ignore it all. Jasmin says that Schmerp Scherf is full of hatred and is discriminatory and it’s Katrin who should be thinking about whether or not to work with him! Katrin laughs and tells Jasmin that she’s not quite ready to buy her “lesbian activist persona” yet. Jasmin asks her what she’s accusing her of now. Katrin replies;
“Yesterday you were a rock star wife, now you set yourself up as the Joan of Arc of the protest movement. You’re making a fool out of yourself!”
OHHH HELL NO KATRIN!!!! You didn’t!!!! Prepare for Jasmin’s fangs to come out…you shouldn’t have made her mad….The final shot is Jasmin’s face. Her pissed off face.
* This recap proudly brought to you by the word ANNISEXUAL