Previously on GZSZ…the girls won the protest but not before butting heads and giving each other black eyes. Jasmin got drunk and passed out, which gave Anni the chance to FINALLY say “I love you” out loud to her.
Ep 5547
We open with Anni sitting adorably on the ground next to the couch where Jasmin passed out the night before. Anni is smiling sweetly at Jasmin, as we all would, if we watching her sleep. And who knows how long Anni has been sitting there? We know she must have gone and slept in her own room though, because she has on different clothes from the night before. As Jasmin stirs awake, Anni lovingly strokes Jasmin’s hair. And everyone’s hearts around the world instantly melts.
As Jasmin wakes up she asks Anni if she had dozed off there. Dozed off?? More like passed out, dreamed of Australia and missed Anni’s I Love You!!! Anni tells her it was because she mixed alcohol and medication and that she had warned her. You need to listen to Anni more often Jasmin, because she is sensible…most of the time. Jasmin asks Anni if she just let her lie there? And Anni tells her that she was no longer good for anything any way. LOL Smooth Anni, real smooth *wink*. Jasmin calls her a minx and can no longer stand being that far away from Anni, so she grabs her weird army jacket vest and pulls her up to the couch. The way Jasmin lands on Anni here, all cuddled into her neck…can they just please stay like that for an entire episode?
After Anni gently kisses Jasmin on the forehead, Jasmin wants some more. She goes to kiss Anni, but morning breath / hangover breath wins out and Anni pulls away.
I don’t know about you, but if Jasmin had fallen into the sewers, climbed out covered in human waste, had eaten a raw fish and then hitched a ride home in the back of a garbage truck and rang the doorbell and I opened it. I WOULD STILL FRIGGIN KISS HER!!! Come on Anni, you just told her you love her, she is being sooo adorably sleepy and cute right now. Why would you pull away??? OMG!
At this point Anni asks Jasmin if she had a mental blackout. Um well we all know the answer to this, even you Anni. She was passed out cold. She was dreaming of laying on a beach with me Anni in Australia. This peeks Jasmin’s interest and she asks Anni why she’s asking and if she had embarrassed herself or said something stupid. Anni nonchalantly tells Jasmin no, it wasn’t her and that it wasn’t stupid either. Way to be mysterious Anni! Anni smiles cheekily and Jasmin grabs Anni’s weird army jacket vest and tells her to tell her. Stubborn Anni looks away and tells Jasmin no. Jasmin starts begging Anni to tell her, but Anni hilariously just keeps saying no in various different ways. Anni has to wriggle her way free of Jasmin, who keeps begging her to tell her. I actually don’t know how she resists that cute little Jasmin face.
Cut to later on and Jasmin is now dressed and Anni is still wearing her weird army jacket vest. Jasmin still won’t let it go and as Anni stands in the kitchen, she attack hugs her and asks her again to tell her what happened. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE when Anni is all No, Nein, Nope. Super adorable you guys.
Just as we can’t take any more of this adorableness, the doorbell rings. Mesut interrupts the cuteness and tells them the doorbell is ringing. Thanks Mr Obvious. Can one of you please get it because Anni and Jasmin are busy being adorable. Nele gets up to get it, but Jasmin tells her she’ll get it. Some random mail guy tells her he has a letter for Jasmin Flemming. Anni see’s the letter and can’t believe it, it’s from the Chief of Police. It’s a 250 Euro fine for insulting an officer. BAM! That’s what love costs Jasmin! Nele notes that at least it was for a romantic cause. Jasmin is super pissed and tells them to all stop laughing, and that it’s a lot of money. And you can tell she’s really pissed because she kicks over a random bag of clothes next to Nele. Nele tells Jasmin that its OK, she was just going to donate those clothes anyway, even though she thinks that she could actually sell those. Really? Nele, we love you, but I’m sure your grandma is missing her curtains and wants them back.
Anni brilliantly suggests that they all get rid of their old clothes and have a yard sale to help raise the money for Jasmin. Ahhhh there’s our little Anni, always the thinker. We all know poor Jasmin needs all the help she can get.
Jasmin LOVES the idea and is super excited. Go Anni!!!!
Now in case you blinked and missed the adorable on fast forward in this scene. Let me break it down for you. Nele cuddles a cute teddy and cracks herself up, Jasmin and Anni still can’t keep their hands off each other and both disappear into Anni’s room SEVERAL times *raised eyebrow*, Anni pulls a face at one of Nele’s hideous dresses and Mesut once again proves that even in fast forward he can still block a shot of Anni and Jasmin. WAY TO GO MESUT! *unimpressed*. And just so you know what I’m talking about, may I present the clothing montage, montage;
Ayla asks where they are going to sell all this stuff and Jasmin suggests the cafe. Jasmin, with her adorable baby voice, asks Mesut if he could ask Tuner if they could use the cafe. And I don’t know what the hell Anni does here but it CRACKS ME UP! I think she pokes him and, also in a baby voice, says “Hmm, Mesut” HAHAHA!! He agrees but tells them not to mess with his stuff while he’s gone.
Meanwhile in the background, Jasmin finds a pair of Anni’s old boots and asks Anni if they can go. Anni is all EXCUUUUSE ME?! and quickly grabs them out of the box, hugging them tightly. Jasmin laughs at this and tells her that they should go in the bulk garbage actually. And thus begins one of the cutest wrestling struggles of ALL TIME!!
At one point Jasmin even lifts Anni off the ground! Their grunting is super funny and Jasmin tells Anni again that its going into the bulk garbage. She tells Anni that she looks like a construction worker in them. OK settle down Jasmin, I think they would look hot on Anni actually. Anni rightly points out that Jasmin would be into that sort of thing anyway. Anni escapes Jasmin’s grasp and runs back to the box, finding some designer item of Jasmin’s and holds it up. She yells in triumph “HA!”. Jasmin runs over and is all NO NO NO NO ANNI NO!
She pleads with Anni telling her it’s a designer item from New York. Anni points out that she’s had her boots since she was 18. Jasmin tries unsuccessfully to grab the top from Anni and Anni points out that it’s Jasmin who needs the 250 Euro and not her. Jasmin fires back that it was only because she had to save Anni’s ass. They exchange the cutest of stubborn faces before Anni agrees to let her boots go if Jasmin lets go of her “tussi” top. Even cuter here is that as Jasmin steps towards the box, Anni is still untrusting of Jasmin and turns her back to her, protecting her boots. Not happy about it at all, they both drop their items into the box.
YAY! You guys! That was your first fight and you got through it with communication and compromise. We are gonna go far, I can sense it.
Cut to the cafe where the yard sale is in full swing. It looks like at one point some guy wants to buy Nele’s teddy and she just cuddles it again and is like NOT FOR SALE. HAHA! Some girl finds Jasmin’s designer top and asks her how much she wants for it. Jasmin is like 80 Euros. They all laugh, including Anni, at how ridiculous that price is. IT’S A DESIGNER ITEM FROM NY GUYS!!! An irritated Jasmin shoves some beverage at Anni and tells her to look after her own customers. She tells the 2 girls that they can have Anni’s boots for 15 Euro. Anni looks at her with contempt and tells the girls that its only so cheap because they once got drenched and now they stink. Jasmin is all PFFFTTT nothing a little vinegar won’t fix eh? The 2 girls are like ehhhh we’re gonna browse some more. Anni crosses her arms and gives Jasmin a little look of victory.
Meanwhile Nele is not having any luck trying to sell her grandmother’s curtains dresses, even if they remind her of summer. Mesut, on the other hand, has caught the attention of one guy and manages to talk him into buying a whole bulk of stuff for the heavily discounted price of 150 Euros! WAY TO GO MESUT! Anni and Jasmin overhear and are blown away. Anni points out that the sale seems to be going great and Jasmin agrees. Anni asks Jasmin if she’s thinking the same thing as her and she replies yes. Anni grabs her boots and Jasmin grabs her designer top and they stash it under the table. HAH!
A bit later on we see Mesut now holding an auction for the remaining items while everyone else sits at the bar. Mesut is the kind of guy that I think could sell ice to the Eskimos, because he manages to sell one of Nele’s multicoloured dresses to some girl for 12 Euros. He reminds everyone that the money is all for a good cause and that Jasmin insulted an officer just to protect Anni. At this, Anni puts her arm around Jasmin and we all AWWWWW. And Jasmin grabbing Anni’s face here, omgsocute!
Ayla then tells them she has to get going to work and they all do that super cute BYEEEEEE, with a wave, that they’ve done to her in the past. Sometimes I really love the continuity on this show. Great job guys!
Mesut comes over and they thank him for everything. Jasmin is even gonna get him a muffin. He tells them they have made 300 Euros! Jasmin super excitedly exclaims that they’ve made a profit. Mesut is all yeah I even sold those boots and that glittery thing. Anni and Jasmin perk up and Anni asks if he remembers who bought them. He tells them that it was 2 random girls and that they just left. Anni and Jasmin bolt out of there faster than David running from the Mafia.
They catch up with the 2 girls, yelling at them to stop. They try and explain to them that those items were sold to them accidentally. The girls are all ohhh but we paid for these. Anni tells them they’ll get their money back. As Jasmin tries to grab her top, one girl recognises her as Jasmin “LeRoy”. Jasmin corrects her and tells her she’s actually “Flemming” now and that she has memories attached to that top. She pleads with them to give it back but they just tell her “Tough luck”. One girl says to the other, “Maybe we can sell these on the internet?”, to which the other, looking at Jasmin, replies “Nobody cares about HER anymore anyway”.
Anni gets all up in her business faster than you can say OH HELL NO! and calls the girl a shitface. She tells her NOT to talk to the woman she LOVES like that!
SHE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how this, in its simplest form, is a knee jerk reaction from Anni. There’s no time to think, only to act. Someone is insulting the woman she loves and she won’t stand for it. This proves without a doubt that Anni LOVES Jasmin because it came from a place of emotion and not from a place of over thinking. When Anni told Jasmin, the night before, that she loves her, she had to work herself up to say it to her, even though Jasmin was passed out. This time, she did it without even thinking. And you can immediately see Jasmin’s relieved reaction behind Anni. She comes up behind Anni and excitedly says “You said it!”. At this point Anni is still so worked up about the 2 girls, that she doesn’t even know what Jasmin is talking about. Jasmin grabs Anni’s weird army jacket vest, pulls her into her and tells her again “You said it!”. Anni teases her back by saying “At least you didn’t sleep through it this time!”. Then we get this amazing kiss as the 2 girls run off into…wherever, we don’t care.
I love how the second that Anni declares her love for Jasmin, they both completely forget about their items and can only focus on each other. I feel like the boots and the designer top kind of represents their old lives and now that they have found each other, they can start anew, together. AWWWWWWW!!!!
* This recap proudly brought to you by Nele’s grandmother’s curtains.