Previously on GZSZ…Jasmin tried seducing Anni but she took too many BOOTHAUS pills (“Behaving-Oddly-Only-to-Highlight-an-Upcoming-Storyline”) and wasn’t having any of it. Jasmin has been busy figuring out her life and completely forgot to pay the apartment’s electricity bills and so their power got shut off. Anni withdrew into her room to keep writing her “term paper” with her magical “6% battery left” laptop but when Jasmin comes in to talk to her, Anni accuses her of not having a life plan…weeeell let’s just say….

Ep 5569

We open in Anni’s room where all hell is about to break lose. Jasmin tells Anni that she likes waitressing, while Anni tells her that if that’s her dream then she should take up an apprenticeship in gastronomy…smart ass Anni. She informs Jasmin that people usually only waitress because they have other life goals. Ohhh SNAP. “Says PROF ANNI or what? Who is acting like she is saving the world with her sound engineering training?”, retaliates Jasmin. Uh Oh Jasmin…now you’re attacking Anni’s career aspirations? Brace yourself!

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Anni tells her to leave her alone as she’s got work to do….not to mention now would be a good time to stop so you don’t say anything you’ll regret later. But noooo…Jasmin continues by getting right up in Anni’s face. Love that she is comfortable enough with Anni now to fight back and not just leave things be.


She accuses Anni of always acting super cool but that actually she’s a square, who needs to have everything all planned out (shhh…sounds a bit like me). Anni yells at Jasmin that her magical laptop battery is almost dead now and all because Jasmin forgot to pay the electricity bills. She goes on to tell her that if she’d ever written a term paper, she’d know that there’s no time left for stupid discussions. UH OH. Jasmin snaps and says “I forgot! Everything I do is a waste of time and everything you do is SOOO great! Yeah, sorry I opened my mouth!”.


Anni doesn’t want to hear it anymore and stands up, telling Jasmin to shut up and leave.


Ohhhhhhh….I remember the first time I watched this scene I could FEEL the nervous tension coming out of the screen. I love watching them fight, their chemistry translates equally as well when they fight as when they have love scenes. They sure are great at winding each other up. It’s amazing. Keep it up ladies.

Jasmin tells Anni to BITE HER and Anni says FUCK YOU! Jasmin storms out, slamming the door and we can see that this fight has affected Anni, who looks both pissed off and upset.


Ohhh remind me never to get in argument with either of these two. I’m horrible in a fight…as soon as anything mean gets said I start crying. I know, I know, I’m a dork. But I just can’t help it, it’s involuntary. It just happens.


A bit later and Jasmin is now at her side job main job, waitressing. Some dude leaves her a 10c tip and she sarcastically tells Tuner “If I have a hundred guests tonight who are all this generous I’m going home with 10 Euro. WOW!


He sensibly tells her to save it for her mortgage. She replies that she doesn’t have one and she never will. Awww, but what about the cute house that you and Anni will move into later? ;)

Tuner tries to stay out of it but Jasmin tells him that she’s happy without a mortgage and without a life plan. Tuner is all Hey now I didn’t say anything! But Jasmin tells him that Anni did. Aw I’m glad Jasmin has someone to talk to about all this, but I want them to bring back PIA for this! Let’s start a campaign, BRING BACK PIA!

Love the exaggerated way that Jasmin serves all the customers in this scene, like’s she’s proving to herself and everyone else that she is amazing at her job. She’s all HERE YOU GO to the ladies who ordered drinks HAHA!

Back at the apartment, Anni has moved back out into the lounge room and is working away on her magical laptop that still has battery life, while Ayla is busy lighting candles. Anni is super frustrated because she was a bitch to Jasmin her term paper isn’t working out and Ayla, FINALLY being the voice of reason, asks Anni why she doesn’t just charge it at the cafe, where Jasmin is also? Thank God someone is using their brain. Anni should have gone to the cafe WAAAY back when the power first went out.

Also, I have a feeling that at the beginning of this scene, it was SUPPOSED to be Anni’s laptop finally dying BUT you can clearly see the light from the monitor on Anni’s face the whole way through this scene OOPS.

Ayla tells Anni that it wasn’t a nice thing she threw in Jasmin’s face earlier. Uh Oh, Ayla are you sure you want to start this with Anni? Anni asks her if there’s total surveillance in there or what? She tells Anni that it was impossible NOT to hear them. I think at this point, Anni is having a whole other conversation in her head because she then tells Ayla she’s not even sure WHAT she needs to apologize for and that if Jasmin thinks that having a life plan sucks, then she’s sorry. Ayla tells Anni that she accused Jasmin of being AIMLESS and Anni tells her that it’s true. Ayla, being the voice of reason, tells Anni that that is just how Jasmin is, all spontaneous, who doesn’t plan everything and that she thought that Anni liked that about her. I love how here Anni is all “So you’re constantly conducting eavesdropping operations at doors now?” HAH! Oh Anni, she’s only trying to get you clean from your BOOTHAUS pills talk some sense into you. Ayla cleverly points out that if privacy is what she’s after, then a shared apartment is not for her. As Ayla walks away you can clearly see that the fight has REALLY affected Anni and I’m glad to see this.


And thank God Ayla is not taking any crap from Anni in this scene because no matter how angry and annoyed Anni becomes here, Ayla is still all rational and all smiles.

Back at the cafe and Jasmin is unburdening her soul to Tuner. She explains to him that Anni said that she was lacking a life goal just because she’s only waitressing. All the while, she’s cutely and exaggeratedly serving more customers and being all HERE YOU GO, YOU’RE WELCOME. HAHA! She goes on telling Tuner that even Anni waitresses as does Nele and him. But Tuner explains that they are all working towards their goals by doing that and that it’s just a side job. Jasmin tells him she has nothing on the side. Aww Jasmin. But she does have a side waitressing job at the MW. HAHA!. Tuner, being the voice of reason to Jasmin, tells her that if it’s good for her than nobody can say anything. Yeah except Anni! It’s the side effects of those damn BOOTHAUS pills. He tells her that maybe Anni just wanted to show her other options? Well yes and no. Yes, Anni WOULD have if they had had a rational conversation but NO because it was never really addressed but it’s obviously the direction the writers want to take.

Jasmin tells Tuner that she was only going to waitress until she figured out what she wanted to do with her life. Right then she gets called for a check for one of the tables and you can see she’s super happy to be there…NOT! Tuner points out that it is true that she doesn’t have a plan…ahh Tuner, you were almost out in the clear. Jasmin replies with “No, there were more important things in life!” Um yeah, like falling into bed with Anni. At this point, Jasmin gets to the table but has forgotten her change purse and tells them quite sternly that she needs to go get it. Love the look on Tuner’s face here. Look’s like he’s finding out that he never want’s to get into an argument with Jasmin ever either.


A bit later on and as Jasmin comes down the stairs she thanks Tuner for his offer of being Head Barista in his cafe empire. I love how sweetly she smiles at him here. She thanks him and gives him this cute hug. I love that whenever Jasmin gives grateful hugs, she always gives them a little gentle squeeze with her hand…


He tells her to go home and sort everything out with Anni. YAY! Great advice for once Tuner! Remember that time you told Anni to go back to Barcelona??! Uh huh..we still remember that Tuner!

Cut back to a very dark apartment. Jasmin opens the door and has already forgotten that they have no power and tries the light switch. Nope, still not working Jasmin. Remember that 1000 Euros you have to pay first? Speaking of which, how is it that when she was fined 250 Euro for assaulting a police officer, they made a big deal about her not having the money to pay for it and made them all have a yard sale to raise money for it. And yet now when she owes the electricity company 1000 Euros, it’s not even mentioned. I bet the power will just MAGICALLY come back on after they give the power guys some BOOTHAUS pills eh?

OK, so Anni comes out of the bathroom and it being all dark and all, bumps her foot into something and falls over swearing like a pirate. Jasmin asks her if everything is alright and Anni is all NO! But she tells Jasmin that she’s got 10 toes, so it’s OK if one breaks off. Awww Anni! I love when she gets super whingy and pouty. Jasmin comes over and tells Anni that she’s sorry and Anni tells her that she’s sorry too and that she overreacted.

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Jasmin sweetly tells Anni to “Come here” and pulls the cutest pouty puppy face ever!! And cue the cutest hug of all time!


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Awww fastest make up in the history of ever! SO glad Anni has come off those stupid BOOTHAUS pills! But as much as I love seeing them make up, I would like to see them have a proper, proper fight one of these days and a proper, proper make up scene. I mean GEEZ LOUISE, where’s the hot making out after this hug?? Not even one teeny tiny kiss? AW COME ON! Still, they are super adorable here. And Anni looks like a little 5yr old. Awwww…OK moving on.

Jasmin admits to Anni that she’s right, that everyone has a life plan but her. *ahem* I have no life plan either Jasmin, just sayin’ *ahem* Jasmin goes to get a glass of water and is surprised that they still have water and the way Anni says YAY here cracks them both up…


Jasmin tells Anni that she wasn’t always like this, that she used to be really driven. Anni is slightly surprised and tells her that she got to know her slightly differently. They both laugh but Jasmin tells her that she was the straight fashion designer with tunnel vision, who was always just focused on her next collection. She didn’t drink any alcohol and she even paid her bills. Hah love Anni’s reaction here;

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Jasmin tells her that then she met Kurt and then had the dream of becoming an actress. Loving the way Jasmin opens up to Anni here. I want them to explore more of their past with each other and I want to be present for it when it occurs. None of this off camera business.

Anni tells Jasmin that she’s a trained seamstress and had her own fashion label, and that she should go back to doing that. But Jasmin tells her that it’s too late for that and that it’s over. Anni suggests they go to the university and check out a subject that blows her away, even if she doesn’t have a high school diploma, she could still do it.

As Jasmin opens the fridge she exclaims that everything is wet and clean freak Anni, is all WHAT? and rushes over to check it out. As Anni gets a sponge to clean it up, Jasmin smirks and tells Anni that it’s pretty sexy when she cleans!


As Jasmin descends, I’d like to think that they had mad passionate sex right there in the kitchen, but alas we shall never know because the cameramen shut off their cameras and all went home. GAH!

Cut to the next day and they are at the university. Jasmin asks Anni if they’ll get into trouble if they just sneak into any random lecture and Anni tells her that no one will even notice. Anni is playing it so super cool here, I bet nothing can rattle her cage today ;) Jasmin tells her to be useful and find her something interesting. Love how she calls Jasmin “beautiful woman” here. Yup, she sure is. So Anni starts listing all the different subjects she finds in the book she has, including Russian culture, to which Jasmin is all “You got to be kidding me?” HAHA! As they are looking at the book a  student rushes past Anni, bumping into her…


UM EXCUSE YOU?! Jasmin remarks “Students!” and Anni is all “Okay!”. Super rude. But love how it doesn’t phase Anni that much and she keeps listing more subjects…


HAHA! How cute is Anni when she comes across Zoology and gets super excited, “Dude, you’d get to work at the zoo!”. I’d be excited too! But all Jasmin can think about is that she’d have to pick up elephant poo. As Anni stand there looking through the book, I can’t help but notice how nervous and out of place Jasmin seems there. Not to mention that she is entirely inappropriately dressed to be at university. I mean don’t get me wrong, she looks amazing and we LOVE her outfit, highly entertaining…


But maybe the other students won’t find it so appealing?

As everything in the book looks like it has something to do with elephant poo, Anni decides to blindly pick one. And be super cute while doing it too…


She lands on “Journalism 2” and is all Erm, let me pick again. But Jasmin tells her that that actually sounds pretty good. Maybe she could be a journalist? Anni is quick to point out that she already tried something in the media, but Jasmin tells her that this time she’ll do it right. She proceeds to drag Anni to that class, which ever so conveniently happens to be on right at that moment in time.

As they enter a HUGE lecture hall with hardly anyone in it, Jasmin notes that it doesn’t look that popular. Anni hilariously points out that that’s a good thing, as there won’t be much competition. As they walk down past all the other students, including the girl who slammed into Anni just before (I SEE YOU LADY!), Jasmin greets them sweetly but I can see them all judging her with their eyes.


Hey now, back off BITCHES. Hey man, I see you checkin her out…I SEE YOU, back off DUDE! Imma keep my eye on you lot…PFFTTT. Yeah, yeah I’m a little protective of Jasmin…

OK so Anni & Jasmin find a seat and sit down. The lecturer comes in and everyone claps. Really? This kind of thing never happened at my uni…hmm. He says he’s happy he has such a large group…are you being sarcastic dude? Jasmin sweetly smiles at Anni and I think she’s secretly super proud and excited that this is her first EVER university lecture.


ADORABLE you guys! As the lecturer starts rambling about boring things, Jasmin notices that everyone there has a laptop…and they don’t. So she cutely reaches into her purse for a pad of paper and a pen, rips a sheet off for Anni and gives it to her. Now I’m not entirely sure, but I think that judging by the looks they give each other here, it seems like Jasmin is telling Anni to take notes FOR HER. And Anni’s face is all WTF?! YOU’RE THE ONE WANTING TO TAKE THIS CLASS. Either way, it’s hilarious all the things they can convey with just their faces.

As the lecturer rambles on and on, Anni asks Jasmin what the hell he’s talking about? Jasmin has no idea, but Anni reckons that it’s about elephant poo BWAHAHA!


God these two would be hilarious if they went to the same school together. Another potential web series…are you listening GZSZ producers? ;) As they giggle at their litte joke, you can see all the other students judging them again. I SEE YOU ALL!! With your little judgey faces….

As the lecturer asks some question that I don’t even understand, Anni looks over at Jasmin like WTF? Thank God I don’t have to answer that! And Jasmin decides that right now would be an amazing time to stretch.


Of course the lecturer has eyes like a hawk and spots her and is all “Yes, you. If you’d like to?”. Haha Jasmin isn’t even looking up at this point and it totally clueless as is Anni. The lecturer continues “Hello? The lady in blue. You put your hand up?” BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man! I would pretty much have the same look on my face here as Anni does, bemused and expectant. All the other students turn to Jasmin to see what she is going to come up with. But Jasmin just looks like a deer caught in headlights…awww poor little Jasmin. Whatever will she say?

** This recap proudly brought to you by some elephant poo. **


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