Previously on GZSZ…Anni lost her cool, said some dumb things in her jealousy rage and Jasmin remained the perfect girlfriend. Jasmin went to Katrin to try and solve her problem with Varese but Katrin shrugged it off as usual and refused to help. Anni then came to her senses and sweetly apologised for being such a jerk face but not before a gaggle of girls again interrupted them by taking a photo of them on the sly. Jasmin then resigned herself to quitting the modelling campaign.

Ep 5594

We open at the hospital with Tuner being wheeled into his room and Nik waiting for him. He asks him what the news is and Tuner tells him that it’s the same as before. That his heart is running on reserve and could give out at any time. He is now on the high urgency list however. Tuner reaches into his drawer and pulls out his bucket list. The things I can make out from it include riding in a police car with the siren on, a great BBQ, a ride in a helicopter and to kiss Anni and Jasmin. That sounds A LOT like my bucket list…well OK, mine only has to kiss Anni and Jasmin on it *ahem* Yes, then I could die happy.

Tuner proceeds to tear up his list because the doctors have told him that he needs to stay in hospital until he gets a new heart…or he dies.


Stop talking like that Tuner, just stop it now.

Cut to a bit later on and the doom and gloom hospital room is suddenly given life again as Nik brings in Anni and Jasmin. YAAAAAAAAY! As they come in, Anni announces that there’s no reason for alarm, it’s just the “lesbian division” marching in. BWAHAH! Jasmin tells Tuner that her and Anni heard about a little wish of his.


Are you girls here to make him a BBQ orrrrr take him for a helicopter ride? Noooo? 
Nik then explains that he taped his bucket list back together again and that there was a certain item on there. Suddenly Tuner is all embarrassed  and is all NO NO NO NO! I wasn’t serious about that. How bout YES Tuner? How bout YES?


Anni is offended and tells Tuner that he can’t have “kiss Anni and Jasmin” on his list and not mean it! They have feelings too, she says. Anni then goes in and kisses Tuner, as the whole lesbian world imagines that it’s actually them instead.


She follows up with “Was it as good for you as it was for me?”. BWAHAHA! Oh Anni, we love you! Well it was certainly good for us…
He’s left speechless of course and Jasmin smiles sweetly at Anni. But then the competition side of Jasmin rears it ugly head and she’s all WAIT (cos she can do better) and playfully hits Anni as she goes in for the kiss. 


MY GOD JASMIN! OK, OK, YOU WIN! You definitely win. Wow! Even Anni is fanning herself over how HOT this is.


And yes, I just used my own GIF there…because I can LOL

Jasmin gets up and says with arms outstretched “Mine was a thousand times better than Anni’s, right?” HAHA so confident there Jasmin. Anni laughs and tells her that maybe in her dreams was it hotter. Nik tells Tuner that he can now cross that off his list and that he promises that they will do everything on his list. If not now, then later. Meanwhile, Anni and Jasmin are super cute in the background being all giggly and cute in general.

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Anni calls Tuner a “lesbian tamer” and they all crack up laughing. Aww YAY for happy Scooby moments!

** This recap proudly brought to you by our BRAND SPANKING NEW “Anni and Jasmin International Forum”! Yes we built you all an amazing new space to chat about everything Anni and Jasmin related. Enjoy.
You’re welcome.


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