Previously on GZSZ…Anni and Jasmin fulfilled Tuner’s dying wish to kiss them both (and we all wished it was us). Sorry Anni but Jasmin was the clear winner,
Ep 5595
We open with Anni and Jasmin returning from smooching Tuner in the hospital. They discuss how hard it much be for Tuney as he has to now stay in the hospital until he gets a new heart (or not). Jasmin mentions that she didn’t have the heart to bring up the money, that she only did the campaign to help him with the cafe and how can she just ask for it back now? Sensible Anni tells Jasmin that she should see if she can get out of the contract first. BTW I’m liking their outfits in this episode…
After they cross the road Anni asks the proverbial couple question “So tell me, who is on your bucket list?”. Yes, do tell us Jasmin, who would you kiss if you could? She tells Anni that she’s already kissed everyone she wants to kiss. She turns to Anni, and with a smirk asks back “Didn’t you?”
Anni becomes all shy and says “Me? Sure! Hello! Of course!”. She looks so busted here and tries to get out of it but Jasmin can tell that Anni is lying. And asks her WHO?
Anni tells Jasmin that she doesn’t want to kiss anybody but looks super cute while she’s trying to deny it. Aww I miss this kind of back and forth banter…we want more!! Anni tells Jasmin that she’s like Tuner, after kissing her…she’s ready to go! Jasmin calls her a liar, to which Anni replies “I never lie“…BWAHAHA! Good one Anni. I love the way that Jasmin slaps Anni here, as she walks away. Jasmin runs after her, grabbing Anni’s bag and tells her that one day she WILL get it out of her. HA! NEVER, says Anni.
After the mini wrestle, Anni realises they are still in public and pulls herself together. At this point we see some random girl reading a tabloid magazine with Jasmin and Ben plastered all over it. Jasmin grabs a copy and starts reading, “According to an acquaintance of the couple, the IT girl and the sought after model spent the night out together at a hip Berlin club”. Anni remarks that it’s a very well researched article. And Jasmin points out that they once again used a photo from the photo shoot, as she warily eyes the street to see if anyone is watching her.
Next we cut across to MT where Jasmin is telling Katrin that she wants OUT of the contract. Katrin of course brushes Jasmin off, telling her that she knew what she was getting into when she signed the contract. Jasmin shows her the magazine and tells Katrin that it MUST be someone from the Varese agency who leaked that story to the press. Katrin once again brushes it off and tells Jasmin that she can’t back out now, as they launch the campaign today. Sophie hears the fight and comes running over, asking Jasmin if everything is OK. Jasmin tells her no and explains that Varese are selling fake stories about her to the press to promote their new perfume. Katrin interjects and tell Jasmin that she has no proof of this. Oh shut it Katrin, you know she’s right. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was actually YOU Katrin, who sold the press the story.
Katrin reminds Jasmin about the penalty payment, about how badly MT would look and that she signed the contract. Jasmin tells her she’ll just figure out a way to pay them back. Katrin reminds Jasmin that she accepted the job and now has to go through with it. With this she walks off. Even Sophie looks shocked. Damn you Katrin, what kind of mother are you any way??
So cut to a bit later on and Sophie and Jasmin are hanging out in the MT wardrobe room, where Sophie tells Jasmin that she’s sure that all this will blow over in a few weeks. Jasmin then admits to Sophie that Katrin was right, that she knew what she was getting herself into, that she needed that money for Tuner but that she had hoped that it would be different this time.
Enter Katrin like a breath of fresh air…NOT. We missed you Katrin! She tells them that the schedule for the campaign launch is all set. Jasmin asks if the head of the agency will be there too, to which Katrin says “Of course”. Jasmin notes that there should be some more fake stories about her surfacing soon then. Katrin tells her that she can refute her relationship with Ben at the launch, in a charming way but Jasmin tells her that that won’t do much good. Katrin sighs and tells Jasmin to smile and play along and then it will all be over.
At this point Sophie jumps onto #TeamJasmin and tells Katrin that she thinks that Jasmin has a point. That they should talk to the head of the agency and show him that they can’t treat Jasmin this way. Katrin’s smirk here makes me want to punch her in the throat…and in fact, I have it on good authority that somewhere in Berlin, someone is slowly plotting her death as I type this #joking #notjoking
Katrin finishes smirking and with a confused face asks Sophie what exactly she would achieve by doing this? She tells Sophie that it wouldn’t make him change his tactics, nor would he allow Jasmin out of the contract and it wouldn’t improve her relations with him. Condescendingly she asks Sophie “So why exactly should I talk to him?”. Um how about earning the respect of your daughter, Katrin??!! Or how about showing your daughter that she’s more important to you than some “client”? Or about standing up for your daughter when she’s clearly being taken advantage of?? Sophie jumps in with “You would show him that you’re not indifferent to the way he treats your daughter” BAM! You’ve just been served Katrin!
But Katrin is not phased and tells Sophie that Jasmin being her daughter has nothing to do with this, as she voluntarily signed the contract. Well, erm…ahem…OK so you do have a point there about the contract…but come on, how is Jasmin being your daughter not relevant here?!!! Have a heart Katrin?? Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t have one….ohhh SNAP, yes I went there.
Sophie tells Katrin that just because Jasmin signed a contract doesn’t mean that the agency has the right to spread rumours about her. Katrin smirks again (ARGH enough with that smirk already Katrin!) and she sounds like she’s talking to 5 year olds here and tells them that she can’t prove that it’s the agency spreading these rumours anyway (yeah cos it’s probably you, Katrin!). She also tells them that she doesn’t fight battles that she can’t win. Katrin then tells Sophie to go talk to Gerner about this if she wants but Jasmin says that she will go and do it herself. Poor little Jasmin’s deflated face in this scene is kind of heart breaking. I mean if you can’t rely on your mother for support at times like this, who can you rely on? I’m so glad she’s got Sophie in her corner here.
Cut to a bit later on where Jasmin bumps into Sophie on the street and thanks her for earlier. Sophie tells her it was no problem, as she’s #TeamJasmin now. Jasmin knows that she risked getting into a lot of trouble and that her mother can be difficult sometimes. Difficult? Really Jasmin? Unless difficult is actually code for total bitch, then it’s not very accurate is it?. Sophie’s reply, “I’m the boss, so trouble is my job”, actually warrants it being printed onto a t-shirt that she should wear in front of Katrin. She tells Jasmin she needs to head to an appointment and leaves.
As Jasmin crosses the street, she can hear Anni’s distressed voice yelling at someone and she immediately goes into concerned mode.
Anni is trying to fend off some press guy and is telling him that Jasmin is only her “room mate”. He asks her if she is a lesbian and Anni just yells at him that it’s none of his damn business. He says he will take that as a YES, to which Anni says FUCK YOU!
A bit later still at the cafe, Jasmin asks Anni how that guy knew she was a lesbian? Umm gaydar? Anni tells her she has no idea, but she’s never had to hide it before. Jasmin tells her that she’s sorry, but she tried really hard to get out of the contract but MT is involved now as well. She goes on to tell Anni that she didn’t know it would turn into such a nightmare with the press again. Anni hopes there won’t be any more press jerks sniffing around them in future. Jasmin makes a face and Anni is all…ughhh well that’s just great! Jasmin tells Anni to stay cool and Anni snaps back that SHE IS COOL!
Jasmin tells Anni that if she were cool she would just smile at these press guys and tell them she is straight and single and that Jasmin is just her best friend. Really Jasmin? Do you hear the words coming out of your mouth right now? You want Anni to deny herself now too? Jasmin tells her that then they would go away and leave her alone but if she continues biting off their heads when they ask, they will sense a story there. At this point Jasmin sweetly takes Anni’s tie and tells her that it’s only for 6mths and then it will be over. And that they are doing it all for Tuner. Who are you trying to convince here Jasmin, Anni or yourself?
Jasmin tells her that the launch is later that afternoon but Anni tells her that she must work. As Anni goes back into the cafe, Jasmin’s face is filled with disappointment and regret.
We cut over to the campaign launch and Jasmin is filming a piece to camera where she tells them that of course she’s nervous, as she’s not a professional model. Katrin interrupts Jasmin here and tells her they will finish this later. They all go over to meet the head of the agency and after a brief compliment to Jasmin, he promptly tells them to get started. As the press all gather around, Jasmin gets introduced and steps up, thanking them all for coming.
SIDENOTE; is it just me or does anyone else find it weird that ALL their press events take place either IN or AROUND this one street in Berlin? And also weird places too, like the cafe or the street…don’t people launch things from like conference rooms and such? Hmmm…anyhoo…
Jasmin looks stunning here BTW. She tells them all that she’s very excited to be the new face of this fragrance and to be working with such a great team. She tells them she loves the new fragrance and she hopes they will all like it too. As she steps back, they unveil the giant campaign poster of Jasmin and Ben being all seductive with each other.
Strangely enough there is no sign whatsoever of the fire truck from the photo shoot…it’s almost as if GZSZ reshot this again in a studio…oh hold on they did…sneaky…
As Jasmin stands in front of her giant billboard, one press guy asks her where her boyfriend is. And again Katrin is smirking away in the sidelines there…uuughhhh! She tells them that he’s in New York and that they are just friends. The press keep asking, “Rumour has it, you two are having an affair?”. She tells them they are correct in assuming that it’s just a rumour. At this point Anni is walking home on the other side of the street and stops to watch. As Jasmin poses next to the billboard the press get all excited and snap away proclaiming “A picture of Berlin’s hottest IT couple!” At this Jasmin looks over at Anni, and you can tell she is not happy Jan.
The dramatic music starts playing….Jasmin looks at Anni…then looks at Katrin, who gives her a WTF? face…back at little sad puppy faced Anni…then to the press…she finally can’t take it any more and tells everyone to STOP. She won’t do this shit any more, she says. Cut to confused looks from everyone. The press ask her what she means. So she tells them that Ben and her are NOT a couple and that she’s not into men either *GASP*. Katrin on the sideline looks like she’s about to burst a blood vessel and its hilarious! Finally Jasmin blurts out “I’m in love with a woman!” and the ADORABLE, SWEET looks they give each other here are enough to need me to get out the fire extinguisher, because damn, my monitor just exploded…AGAIN.
** This recap proudly brought to you by the latest addition to #TeamJasmin, Sophie Lindh. You picked a winner there Sophie.