Previously on GZSZ…Nik tells the girls that he wants to fly off to London to look for Elena, who is the love of his life, but without any contact details whatsoever (and in fact in an alternate GZSZ universe Nik *spoiler* doesn’t die, but is in fact still in London looking for her). Nele wants to teach Mesut to look after himself and so they all refuse to touch his dirty laundry and thus it’s still all sitting there…stinking the apartment up…so noone step foot in there…cos well you might throw up in your mouth a little…
Ep 5611
We open at the cafe where the girls, along with DJPuppyJonas, Nele, Mesut and Sophie are decorating for the 4yr anniversary party later that night. Anni is hanging an arty picture frame, albeit crooked, while Jasmin watches from a distance. Anni asks her if it looks OK and Jasmin replies yes but Nele thinks that it’s crooked. Both Anni and Jasmin look at her and pull a face. They both agree that the picture frame looks great and at this Nik enters and says “It’s crooked!”. HAHA! Without realising that it’s Nik, Jasmin annoyedly replies that that is how it’s supposed to look. As she turns around, she sees that it’s Nik and excitedly hugs him as she asks him if he found Elena. Yeah right, he had no contact details for her and accidentally “bumped” into her in a city of 8 million people?!
Not surprisingly he tells them YES he did find her. Jasmin is all AND? to which Nik says London is super. Cut to Anni with a confused face and Jasmin says HA HA. Anni asks him if they are together now and Nik just smiles and shakes his head.
Cut to the inside of a cab in London with Elena getting in. And apparently I was mistaken in thinking there were 8 million people in London because I think that it’s actually only 2. Elena and this cab driver. Because apparently this cab driver recognises Elena from before and starts a conversation with her. He asks her where her boyfriend is, she tells him that he went back to Berlin.
What are the chances GZSZ? What are the chances?
Cut back to Nik telling his amazing story of how he “bumped” into the only person living in London. He tells them that it was just like in the movies (or in the soaps *cough*) and at this Jasmin pulls the cutest face while looking over at Anni and says “Oh God, it’s so romantic!”. Anni replies with “Do you want me to send you off to London too and come looking for you?” AWWWWW!!!!
Knowing our luck, if they ever did that, they would simply never find each other in London.
Jasmin then asks him when they get to see her and he tells them hopefully next weekend.
Back in the London cab, where traffic is so smooth because of the non-existent people who live in London, the cabby asks Elena why she didn’t go back with Nik to Berlin. Elena replies #becauselife. He tells Elena that he’s a great guy, that he drove him all around the city for a whole day looking for her and that she was all he talked about. Suddenly she has a lightbulb moment and realises JUST NOW, that he is a great guy. Plus the writers need to wrap up his storyline before he kicks the bucket leaves the show.
Back in Berlin the 4yr anniversary party in the cafe is in full swing. DJPuppyJonas is playing his tunes, Anni and Jasmin are working away and all the people are dancing it up. And Nele is bopping away with her signature dance moves. You get down with your bad self, Nele!!
We see 2 seconds of Anni and Jasmin cracking up at something that I suspect Linda would have said or done.
At this point Sophie enters dragging along a very uncomfortable looking Jo. Jasmin notices and Anni remarks “cross-generational!” Jasmin playfully hits Anni and calls her bad. She goes off to greet Sophie. Jasmin hugs Sophie so hard, it’s like they haven’t seen each other for 2 generations.
Jasmin quickly greets Jo too and then promptly drags Sophie off to dance. Jo then goes up to Anni at the bar and asks for a Bordeaux but she informs him that he will have to settle for the house wine.
GASP not the house wine!
Nik comes over and greets his Dad and after some small talk, Anni hands him a vase cupful of red wine and tells him that it’s 4.50EU. Nik points out that Jo is his father, to which Anni quickly replies that it’s on the house HAHA! And after some more small talk, Nik tells Jo that he’s glad he could come. As Nik walks away Jo is all YEAH…and pulls a face. He is super uncomfortable there, you guys. Maybe he should stick to going to the ballet or something?
A bit later on and the Scooby gang have all moved upstairs and are sitting on the floor chit chatting about travelling. This whole scene smells like one big improv exercise and I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching scenes like this. Jasmin can’t believe that Nele has never been to Barcelona. Nele tells them she’s always wanted to go but it’s just never worked out. Anni hilariously points out that those things don’t usually just “work out”, you have to actually book them first. Cue laughter. Enter the party pooper Jo who sits down and attempts to blend in with the group.
I can feel his awkwardness from here…can’t say I’ve ever been in his position ever…nope….never…not me *ahem*.
Anni goes back to the subject of Barcelona and tells them that it’s an amazing city and that Nele should take Mesut there. Now what happens next is a moment we can purely thank Janina for. Not sure if it’s a game they play with each other (Linda and Janina) where they try to get the other to break character or whether she was just SUPER in character as Jasmin, but she gets this mischievous look on her face and puts her hand down the inside of Linda’s leg (maybe a little too far down). This then makes Linda stop talking mid sentence and jump a bit. Much credit to Linda who is able to continue on with the scene without being phased. But this little improv moment is by far one of my favourites (besides the whole “couch” scene, of course).
Jo tries to be all cool and jumps in with his boring story of how amazing Barcelona is. While he’s talking we get a shot of Anni raising her eyebrows at Jasmin. God I wish we could have just had the camera’s stay on them for this whole scene! Jo mentions a park in Barcelona and also the artist Gaudi (which is actually the German word for “fun”). And at this Anni makes the joke that she had a lot of “gaudi / fun” there also. Cue everyone cracking up except Jo.
Cut to a bit later and Nele is telling them stories about her and Mesut’s vacation in Mallorca while they all pee their pants laughing. Jo is still sitting there like a sour puss. Finally Nele tells them she has to go downstairs because she promised Nik she would help him. At this Jasmin (in maybe another improv moment) slaps Anni on the knees and says “I think we should go too. Woman, help me get up” and sticks out her hand like a queen talking to one of her servants. God these two are funny. They play off each other SO WELL.
And while the camera is busy showing us nothing Sophie and Jo’s faces we miss out on yet another hilarious moment between the girls. Anni groans, Jasmin laughs and I could put money on the fact that Linda has done something slightly inappropriate here, judging by the look we see on Janina’s face and the fact that she turns around and hits her with a pillow. And now we shall never know was it was *sad panda* And as Anni exits, she yells “See you in Barcelona”
Sophie then asks Jo if he wants another drink, to which he’s like “I thought we would go too”. Awww way to ruin ALL THE FUN DR GERNER!
Back downstairs Nik is Skyping with Tuner on his phone (though I have no idea how they can actually hear each other, when I can’t even friggin hear when my room is silent whenever I Skype), They cheers to the cafe turning 4yrs old and Anni, Jasmin and Nele jump in and yell greetings at him. It’s super cute. They ask him how he’s going and what he’s drinking and then Anni tells him they have to get back to work.
Tuner then asks Nik how London was and he tells her it was all fine. That he asked Elena to come back to Berlin with him but that she can’t just leave her friends and job behind. Tuner asks him why he didn’t just stay there with her, seeing as how he’s so in love with her. And basically tells him to go back to London.
Cut to Jo and Sophie arriving home, where he takes her coat and puts on some “real” music *cough* classical *cough*. Sophie has her sad face on and tells him that there was music playing at the cafe too. He goes to get the champagne and rambles on about work things. Meanwhile Jasmin and Anni are sending her these hilarious selfies from the party
Aww I want them to text me adorable selfies like that to my phone!
Sophie sighs and tells him that she thinks they are really cool. And FINALLY Jo see’s that she wishes she were back at the party and tells her to go. YAAAAY! She runs out of there faster than you can say “Jo Gerner is too old for her”.
Cut back to the party where everyone is getting down with their bad selves. Love watching the girls dance. Sophie is back in her element and now we see them all taking selfies WITH her…awwww. They keep cracking themselves up with the pics they are taking…umm can someone just forward them all onto me? Kthxbye.
Meanwhile, we keep cutting back to Jo in his apartment, sitting on the couch with his book and wine. He keeps checking his watch like a concerned father. Just go to bed already Jo! And he eventually does.
Back at the cafe the girls are all discussing which club to party it on at afterwards. Poor Sophie, who has been with Jo for a little too long methinks, is surprised when they suggest that they keep on partying. And she looks super excited by the thought. The girls are all YEAAAHHH of course we’re gonna kick on after this. Anni then checks Sophie’s watch (who they start calling “boss”) and she excitedly exclaims that they can still catch the night bus. They all basically get pushed out the door by Jasmin in their excitement.
The next morning Nik is cleaning up the cafe and we see some giggling shadows approaching from outside. It’s a very drunk Jasmin and Anni and they yell at him to open the door. Then in a moment, that was pure genius, and improv-ed by them for all us fans (as stated by Linda on her Facebook), they start chanting “Team Janni! Team Janni!” God I love these girls!!!
As Nik opens the door, they pretty much fall into the room, with a kebab hanging out of Jasmin’s face. They piss themselves laughing and so do we. Cos its comical genius.
Jasmin falls onto the couch and Anni sits down next to her on the ground. While Jasmin can’t keep her head up, Anni starts picking out the salad from the kebab.
Nik asks them if he can talk to them and they both nod, clearly still super drunk. God they’re so funny when they’re drunk, can we see this more often please? As Nik mentions the word “talk” Anni gets all excited and they both perk up, ready to listen.
They are both so cute here. Anni reminds me of a 5yr old child looking up at her teacher here haha! He tells them that he’s going to London to be with Elena. They both don’t believe him and say “Bullshit!”. He tells them that he wants to be with her and that he loves her. Cue Elena walking in behind him. While he is still rambling away, both Jasmin and Anni spot Elena and stare at her. Anni tells him to do his best now. Jasmin cracks up at this, followed by Anni. Nik starts getting annoyed and tells them that he’s serious and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. And that he’d be an idiot if he didn’t hop on a plane back to London right this instant. Behind him we see Elena starting to smile. Anni agrees with him, that he would be an idiot but Jasmin asks him why he would want to go there….when Elena is already in Berlin. They both then drunkenly try to do the “turn around” gesture and fail…but it’s super adorable.
A confused Nik then finally turns around and sees Elena. Cue the romantic epic kiss. Even Jasmin and Anni AWWW away at how romantic is it.
Ep 5612
We open at Mesut’s store where Jasmin is buying milk and ALL the Gatorade for their epic hangover. Sophie comes in and tells Jasmin she thought she would be sleeping all day. Jasmin mentions that her headache is pretty bad and Sophie tells her that they probably should have skipped that last round of drinks. She tells Jasmin that last night was really fun and that she still owes her for that kebab. She suggests that her and Anni come over for dinner the next night and they can all cook together. Jasmin is excited and will ask Anni, but she wants something other than kebabs haha. Aww I’m liking this new friendship, they are super adorable as besties.
Cut to Sophie and Jo leaving the apartment. They chit chat about random stuff until finally Sophie mentions that she’s invited Anni and Jasmin over for dinner tomorrow night. He’s basically a jerkface here and tells her that the 3 of them can do something together then as he’s got work to do (after he’s already said he was free) but if she changes her mind (not to have dinner with Anni and Jasmin) then he’s free. What a doucheball!
Cut to the cafe where Sophie is picking up her lost scarf and Anni and Jasmin are there too. Sophie orders 2 espresso’s to go and Anni yells out that she wants no cocoa on her cappuccino. At this you can see Jasmin shake her head and roll her eyes haha! Anni thanks Sophie again for the dinner invite and asks her if they can bring anything. Sophie goes a little sheepish and tells them that they should probably postpone the dinner because Jo is being a dick has a lot of work on right now. Jasmin thinks for a second, as she knows Jo pretty well, and tells them that Jo has probably DIS-invited them as he doesn’t want them there.
Sophie tries to get out of it and tells them, no he really does have a lot of work and that the dinner was just too spontaneous (yeah cos that is SO not Jo’s middle name). Jasmin tells her it’s all fine and pays for their coffees. As they turn around to leave, I sense another improv moment happened here from Linda. She suddenly stops, fist pumps the air and sings “YAY! Evening without Gerner! Evening without Gerner!”. The reason I think it’s improv is just the look on Janina’s face here…she totally has a WTF look on her face and it’s priceless.
And I love the way that Janina pushes Linda on out the door as she asks Anni if she doesn’t like her mother’s ex. As Jasmin opens the door, Anni is just saying “Bullshit” as they literally bump into Jo coming in the door.
Jo comes in and asks Sophie how she left things with them. Sophie tells him that they’ll do the dinner another time and he thanks her. Jerkface! Who gives up a dinner with Anni and Jasmin? This dude does.
** This recap proudly brought to you by Anni’s cocoa-free cappuccino…cos that’s hw she rolls.