Previously on GZSZ…Mesut tags along with Anni to a lesbian night at the MW and hilarity of course ensues. We are introduced to flirtatious blonde, Franca Mo and Anni helps Mesut and Nele reconcile but is still in a relationship break with Jasmin.
Ep 5696
We open at the cafe with Anni working away. Franca Mo comes in and asks Anni why she never called her. She tells her that it’s because she has a girlfriend, which Franca immediately accepts. She then looks down at a pile of flyers on the counter advertising Anni’s next open mic night and tells her that the weird picture of her on it, is off putting. I’m not sure in what world that is considered a good pick up line but it certainly grabs Anni’s attention. She tells her that she’s not a professional photographer. Franca then tells her that SHE is one (how convenient!!) and offers Anni a photo shoot for free. But Anni is not so sure that Franca can keep her hands off her. Franca eventually convinces Anni to come and do a totally platonic photo shoot with her that very afternoon. As she sweeps out of the room, Anni sighs and mouths her name.

Cut to the apartment where Jasmin is giving Ayla a little pep talk about her Tayfun issues. Apparently he now has a bit of an online gambling addiction and is lying to Ayla about it. She still somehow believes that Tayfun will eventually fall madly in love with her and they’ll all play happy families together…but things do not look good on that front. Jasmin tells her that her best plan should be to just expect the worst and not be disappointed
Fast forward to later on and Anni arrives home to grab her stuff for the photo shoot with Franca Mo. She grabs her guitar and on her way out notices a whole bunch of sewing stuff all laid out on the table and checks it out. Just then Jasmin comes out of the bathroom wearing only a towel and greets Anni. Anni tells her that the shirts on the table look really cool and Jasmin tells her that there might be one extra left over at the end.
Jasmin tells Anni that designing is really fun and that working on Nele’s wedding dress has rekindled her creativity. And in fact she’s going away on a business trip to Hamburg for fashion week for an independent designer.
Anni tells her that sounds good. Jasmin then tells her that her and Elena will be selling stuff at the flea market in the morning if she’s up for it. And judging by Anni’s look here, I’d say she’s definitely up for it…
Jasmin grabs her towel and tells Anni to “Stop looking. Relationship Break.” and a disappointed Anni says OK and turns to leave.
Just then Mesut comes in, talking away on his phone. He hangs up and tells Anni “OK, a friend of mine is moving out of his apartment in Neukölln. You could go look at it today.” Even as he’s only halfway through talking Anni already starts shaking her head and giving a face to Mesut to shut up. But it’s too late and Anni hangs her head…
Jasmin’s face drops and she asks if Anni wants to move out. Anni turns around not knowing what to tell her…She eventually tells her that she was just asking around. Jasmin angrily says “For no reason huh? Do you do that all the time and I just never noticed it before?”. Mesut sheepishly tells them that he had no idea (that he wasn’t supposed to say anything) and Anni sarcastically thanks him as he leaves and he goes upstairs. Jasmin yells out after him that maybe he could find her an apartment too?. Anni tells Jasmin that she thought that getting a little distance would be a good thing for them, as being around each other all the time is not really a “relationship break”. Jasmin questions how that would work if they never see each other at all anymore and tells Anni that they may as well break up now then. Anni shakes her head and tells her no, they would make dates, meet up and still look forward to seeing each other. She tells her that that is her idea of a relationship. Jasmin retaliates by asking Anni if it’s also her idea of a relationship when her girlfriend is the last to know about her moving out?.
Jasmin then asks Anni if she’s still even her girlfriend anymore. Anni turns on the defences and tells her that this is exactly why she didn’t want to tell her about this, because she knew she would make a big deal out of it. Jasmin wants to settle the issue but Anni is already fleeing the scene and tells her that there’s no point in arguing about it now as it’s not getting them anywhere. Jasmin tells her that of course moving out must be the solution. Anni tells her that she has to go as she has a photo shoot for her flyer and leaves.
After such a heavy scene we now cut to one of the most fun scenes we’ve seen in a while. Anni is at her photo shoot with Franca Mo and we get this amazing montage of Anni posing for her photos. Can I please petition the peeps over at GZSZ to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leak these photos online? I don’t care where…but we want to see these photos! We NEED to see these photos…dear God let these photos even exist!!! *sobs*
Right at the end of the shoot, Franca Mo gently grabs Anni’s face to reposition her for a shot and they share a teeny tiny moment. Heeeey you guys, I’m just calling it as I see it…there was defs a moment…
Back at the apartment Jasmin is busy sewing away when the doorbell rings. It’s Elena with more crap stuff for them to sell at the flea market in the morning. Elena sees the shirts Jasmin is working on and compliments her on them. She tells Elena that she’s a fashion designer. Elena then questions why she works as a waitress then. Jasmin tells her that that’s a good question and according to Anni it’s because she is aimless. They both sigh and Elena asks her if they are fighting again. Jasmin starts getting teary and tells her that she’s just a tussi (drama queen) who gets worked up about everything. Elena says the word “Tussi” and Jasmin thinks about it for a second and repeats it back smiling. She writes it on her shirt.
Elena asks her if they still love each other and Jasmin tells her that Anni is the greatest girl she knows. Elena asks “But…?” and Jasmin tells her that she’s too clingy, according to Anni. She tells Elena that just as they were getting closer again, she finds out that Anni wants to move out. Elena tells her that when you’ve found your love, you can’t just give up on it…you have to fight for it…ATTACK even! Jasmin thinks for a second and smiles. She writes the word ATTACK under “Tussi”.
TUSSI ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Cut across to the MW where Anni and Franca Mo are reviewing the photos from the shoot on Franca’s camera. Franca flirts with her, complimenting her on how hot she looks in the photos. And as Anni points out which shots she likes, she subtly flirts back…
They are already sitting really close together so when Anni looks up at Franca, they are super close and they share another intense moment. Franca takes this opportunity to put her hand on the inside of Anni’s thigh…and while yes I acknowledge that it’s not Jasmin…I still oddly find this to be SUPER HOT! And Anni doesn’t seem to mind it either and after they make more sexy eyes at each other, Franca asks her if she wants to go somewhere else? DA DA DAAAAA….
** This recap proudly brought to you by the REAL photos that I KNOW just HAVE to exist on Franca Mo’s camera. We need a mission to go and recover this camera and free these amazing photos!!! Any volunteers?!
I mean COME ON?! Is it possible to get any hotter?! *cough*