Previously on GZSZ…Jasmin called off the whole Varese campaign by telling the world she loves a woman. We were treated to one of the HOTTEST 5 second make outs in history and Katrin is still an evil bitch.
Ep 5598
We open at the cafe, which is the coolest one that I’ve ever seen, one that actually moonlights as a dance club at night, every now and then. Jonas is back again as DJ and is working up the crowd into a frenzy with his sweet, cool beats.
The crowd gets all worked up and Anni, who is working the bar, comes over to Jonas, shaking her head. Meanwhile, from whatever tropical place Nele & Mesut are vacationing at, Mesut has probably slipped and fallen over while grabbing onto a beach umbrella, sending it hurling through space and time and landing in Anni’s hair. Yes, there is some unusually large umbrella prop in Anni’s hair, and I’m not exactly sure what it’s doing there. And I haven’t decided yet if I like it or not.
Anyhoo, Anni comes over to Jonas and tells him he’s done for the night because they’ll get noise complaints from their neighbours if they don’t stop. She tells him he had a cool gig and pays him 100 Euro, which he seems pretty excited by.
A bit later on, after everyone has left, Anni, Lily and Jonas are all unwinding at the cafe counter and Anni tells them that she could ask the guys if Jonas could be their regular DJ. At this we get some puppy excitement from Jonas and Lily looks at him and says “Um, hello?” (Jonas is supposed to leave to go back home to Munich, but he doesn’t want to go). Anni then offers them a non-alcoholic nightcap…umm wait but doesn’t the term “non-alcoholic” totally go against the whole idea of a night cap? I’ll take a margarita if you’re offering, Anni. Puppy Jonas excitedly says yes, while Lily says no. Anni asks them to make up their minds. Lily informs Anni that Puppy Jonas is supposed to be catching the night bus to Munich and Anni asks if it’s for a gig. And while Puppy Jonas answers with “Sort of”, Lily says “School”. HAH nothing like your older sister totally ruining your street cred. Lily tells Puppy Jonas that he can get DJ gigs in Munich too, but he argues that they don’t have places like this totally awesome cool cafe there. Not to mention they wouldn’t really give a guy like him a chance in the first place. Lily apologises, while Puppy Jonas goes on about how awesome Berlin is. All the while we get these cute back and forth shots of Anni as she listens to them…
Lily tells Puppy Jonas that Maren just wants him to finish school and he says, yeah because they know so well what’s best for me. Anni then questions Puppy Jonas as to whether he is just trying to put a show on for her with all this talk. Haha, I wouldn’t blame him for trying to impress Anni. We probably all would, given the chance. She tells him that he should finish school first and that he can always come and DJ in Berlin during his school breaks. He says, or weekends, if you fly me out here. Umm settle down there Puppy Jonas, you’re not that famous yet. Ain’t nobody flying you anywhere just yet!
After Anni shoots down Puppy Jonas’ idea of being flown in, Lily reminds him that his bus leaves in 45mins. And he hesitantly leaves. But not before we get this cute little smirk from Anni, naaaaaw…
Cut over to the MW where Anni is working with Leon behind the bar. Anni’s outfit here is SUPER hot! I love that leather vest she’s wearing. Leon is obviously taking out his Sophie frustrations on the oranges he is squeezing and Anni notices this. She asks if she knows the girl and he tells her no. She says “Oh so this IS about a woman then?” and he replies no. Not deterred, and having spidey scenes in the romance department ever since she got together with Jasmin, Anni keeps on with the questions; “How long has it been going on?”. Leon still won’t give in and tells her nothing is going on, but Anni doesn’t believe him. She asks him if they have been having breakfast in bed and if she’s been cuddling up to him?. He asks her if she’s got nothing better to do and she tells him NO, in that cute way she does when she’s trying to be cute annoying. Leon finally turns to her and gives in, telling her that they kissed, the girl is definitely into him, but she’s with someone else. *ahem* this sounds familiar. Anni mocks him “Ohhh you kissed”. He tells her it was three times though. She asks him what he’s going to do now and he tells her that he’s not making a fool out of himself anymore. Yoda Anni then offers this advice to him, drawing from her wealth of love knowledge “But sometimes it helps. I’m just saying, persistence beats resistance, my friend”
She goes on to tell Leon that Jasmin was a tough nut to crack, that she thought she would go insane and how everyone was telling her that Jasmin was straight and was hung up on Kurt. And with a bit of “Yeah, and now? What’s up, huh?”, Anni cheekily winks at him and they both laugh and bump fists.
Ep 5599
We open at MT where Katrin is leading a staff meeting. Jasmin is there along with a bunch of people I’ve never seen in my life before. Katrin is telling them that she’s talked to Varese and fortunately for her amazing skills at backstabbing and stealing ideas from others, they won’t be losing him as an advertiser. Sophie makes a face at this, but Katrin continues on by telling them that they can’t afford to make any more mistakes. She talks about plans for the upcoming issue and Sophie wants to object but Katrin just ignores her. Ohhh let the power struggle begin ladies!
Katrin tells some random to talk to Maren about the layout, thus making Sophie feel even more left out. She ends the meeting and Jasmin runs after her. She asks her about her axing Sophie “just like that”. Jasmin thinks it was because Sophie took her side during the Varese campaign but little does she know that it was just Katrin’s plan all along to get Sophie out of the picture. She admits to Jasmin that Varese almost pulled out of the campaign because of her but that ultimately it wasn’t her decision. Wagner, the investor, and Gerner made that decision. GAH this whole time she’s got her smug little face on too. Jasmin argues that it was actually BECAUSE of Sophie that Varese didn’t pull out in the end. The new campaign idea was from Sophie and she tells Katrin that she stole it from her. But Katrin just shrugs it off, telling her that ideas don’t belong solely to yourself in an editorial office. Ugh, Katrin, no matter how you spin it, you still stole those ideas from Sophie! Jasmin is finally cluing in to what her mother is all about and accuses her of wanting this all along, to be on top by herself. Katrin doesn’t deny this and instead asks Jasmin why she’s so upset. She’s gotten out of the penalty payment because Varese has re-cast his models. Jasmin tells Katrin that it worked out best of all for her but she tells her to leave it be and marches out into the other room. She looks at all the bean bags and comfy chairs where they just had their staff meeting and decides that it’s way too much fun and tells Natalie to get rid of them all and order in a proper conference table. And everyone in the office is all….
A bit later Jasmin comes to Sophie with some info she’s gotten her on some article she’s writing and apologises for her losing her job. Sophie tells Jasmin that it’s not her fault…yeah it’s the ice queens fault! At this point Katrin is flying through the office barking orders at every employee she can. Sophie sees this opportunity to challenge her and approaches her. They have a mini show down regarding an article they are all working on and at the end Katrin asks Sophie if there’s anything she’d like to get off her chest. Sophie replies “Yes! You’re not gonna get...” but stops in the middle of her sentence and walks off, leaving a satisfied Katrin standing there, thinking she has won that round.
Ep 5600
We open out the front of the apartments on the street. Puppy Jonas is sitting on the ground, staging a protest, while Lily stands next to him. She asks him if he really thinks their Mom is going to change her mind because of his little sit-down strike? (to send him home to Munich). He points to his cardboard sign and reads out that its a sit-down AND hunger strike and that he thinks it will convince her of his rights. At this point we see Anni and Jasmin crossing the street, being all super cute coupley.
Puppy Jonas tells Lily that if he sits there for a few weeks, he’ll change her mind. Lily is all “…weeks!?”. Just then Anni and Jasmin walk up. If you watch Linda’s face here, something obviously almost made her crack up here as it looks like she’s trying to stop from laughing, Jasmin asks them what Maren has done and Puppy Jonas explains that she denies him the right to make his own choices because he’s under 18.
Anni leans in and dramatically tells him “Wow, so in a way, you’re fighting for the rights of a whole generation of minors”. He tells her that’s exactly what he’s doing and that there’s no way he’s going back to Munich. They will have to carry him away. Anni says “Fight the system!”, in English I might add, and Jasmin says “Teens of the world, unite!”
Anni starts singing “Teens of the world, ready for action” and Jasmin joins in…they both hold their hands over their hearts and it’s completely adorable!!
Jasmin tells Puppy Jonas to “Fight on” and Anni tells him “Always ahead, never retreat!” And with that they both laugh and run inside.
Lily asks Puppy Jonas if he realises they are laughing at him and he tells her that of course they are, they are over 18 and have gone over to the dark side. The dark side of what, I have no idea. She reminds him that she’s over 18 too and he explains that that’s why she’s making fun of his protest too. He tells her that he’s staying until his Mom gives in!!
** This recap proudly brought to you by all the used bean bags that Katrin tossed out of the MT offices. Going very cheap. All offers considered.
Your tone and enthusiasm really shows in your writing. Great post!